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MessageFormat Enumeration
An enumeration of the different ADS-B message formats.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.Adsb
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public enum MessageFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Unknown / unrecognised message format.
NoPositionInformation1 Type 0 - airborne or surface vehicle with no position message.
IdentificationAndCategory2 Types 1-4 - vehicle identification and category messages.
SurfacePosition3 Types 5-8 - surface position message.
AirbornePosition4 Types 9-18 and 20-22 - airborne position message.
AirborneVelocity5 Type 19 - airborne velocity message, ground speed or airspeed.
AircraftStatus6 Type 28 - aircraft status message.
TargetStateAndStatus7 Type 29 - target state and status message (ADS-B versions 1 and 2).
AircraftOperationalStatus8 Type 31 - aircraft operational status message.
CoarseTisbAirbornePosition9 DF18 CA3 - coarse TIS-B airborne position message.
See Also